I am a shy flower
You don't want me
You must take your time watering me
You see, I bloom much slower than other flowers
Some even say having me as a plant is hard work
Seriously you don't want a stupid ole flower like me, it takes time and patience to get me to grow
you can have any plant you like
Like a daisy? you cangrow not only one, but a thousands of them in a span of a week
No ?
Okay.. how about a rose.. they smell really good and their stems come with free tiny little swords...
Hmm... your still contemplating on picking me?
I may not have cool spikey thorns
Or grow in full bloom in only a week
I can promise you this
If you take good care of me
If you water my seeds everyday
If you nurture my soil
If you give me sunlight
with a the right mix of the shade a each day
I promise,
In due time I will blossom to be one of the brightest flowers on earth you have seen
For I am a sun flower