
Having issues, so will be focusing on secondary book for the time being. :(


Random, but did you know that Pokémon were originally based on the bugs and animals that the satoshi tajiri saw. He decided to make his own and put it under various archetypes and skill factors. 
          Fire, water, psychic, dragon, poison, steel, ground, electric. Grass, fairy, flying, bug, ice, rock, normal. 
          (Those are the basic list )
          Each has their own skill percentage or point deduction + or skills that can be added, each card is put under a class, or legacy. Or even something else entirely. But this also has a secondary angle to it. 
          If you get rare cards, the higher classes get interesting. Golds, Silvers, Shinys, Legendaries, EX, GX, Tag Team. They have point boosters and cards that can be boosted to use in pokemon card battles, and can take double if not quadruple damage over a typical card. 
          (I’ve been Collecting Pokémon cards for a little over 10 years now….) 


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I’m dying with a realization I just had, I think recently I’ve consumed too much British related media (then again when have I not, History channel fanatic, and time period movie watcher…including games too..) 
          Never mind I think I just have an issue. ಠ_ಠ
          (The again, half of it is better off then American media. I watch a lot of international stuff in free time) 


My rp people are offline and I'm bored 


@souls-for-fandoms honestly understandable it doesn't sound like a 3ds title lol also 3ds rlly is fun 


@The_Based_Mystical had a feeling, but throwing those out there (cause even I played those…) but 3ds are fun. Forgot generations were on there.


@souls-for-fandoms there was a 3ds version of Sonic generations lol I wasn't born that long ago sadly 
            Also I can find the link if the video if ya want 
            Also it's aight 