hello, i am sorry if my absence has confused a lot of you but im here to explain why
since i posted my last announcement i had a lot of stuff happening like waterpolo, end of year exams (it was the main reason i couldn't post because we spent the entire term preparing for them), prize giving, family events, and just plain being too lazy to write anything (though i have made progress on the newest chapter of "they spread..."). here are the current statuses of my books:
they spread...: getting updated in small bits every now and then but don't expect chapter drops any time soon
they spread, the chronicles of old: planning to work on it a bit and you will get some new chapters soon
the exiled knight: on hiatus til i watch the transformers movies again, cause i don't remember anything other than age of extinction and the last knight which isn't the point we are up to yet
fourth book that im working on: i have not touched it since i made the first 1000 words for the prologue, so don't expect it to be dropped any time soon
im sorry if this upsets you but i really cannot think of anything to write due to having little motivation and will or simply not wanting to mess up the story of a movie too much. see you all next announcement, hopefully by that time i have updated my main story