
Hey guys. Sorry I haven't been on.  I've been busy with a lot of things going on. Making my own art studio. My lil sis' birthday. So I'm very sorry I haven't been on lately and I will try to get on more.


Hey guys. Srry bout not being on lately. My depression is getting worse, n i dont kno what to do.everything is falling apart n i am having trouble w/ some past things that happened to me. Its been getting hard to want to do anything. Last night i broke down n cut myself for the first tym in a bit. Idk how to cope w/ my demons anymore.ive been having nightmares bout what happened to me.n itsjust makingit hard to want to stay alive. My past is haunting me n i dont kno what  to do anymore. I cant cope with it n i feel weak b/c of that. Hope u guys like my new post on 'My poems/songs'comment below what u think n if u want me to type anything for u.


Please! I know what you're going through. I been there! I didn't cut myself because I know that I have a family that loves me. Please know that I am here for you


@AshlynnFiction lol  i love having u as a friend.


@AshlynnFiction lol. Wellim the new nimproved Gay Lord.


Yay for me. Today is my sweet 16. N in at a fun range shooting guns with my grandpa n cousin paige. My aunt's r gonna join after they finish shopping. Then tonight we're going to a fancy  Brazilian buffet to eat. Then this Saturday is my haunting sweet 16 birthday party. Cant wait. Tunas to all of those who r following me right now n r my new friends. Wish me luck h pray I can handle the noise n shooting a gun. 


Sorry i haven't been updating a lots been going on. My depression is getting worse n i've started cutting again. its getting hard to be on here w/ my depression rn. Hope u guys like the new part  i posted yesterday.


@soulwriter1616  hope u feel much better . if u want tell me about ur deppresion u can text me ^^