
30 THOUSAND READS????? I will actually cry. I think it has already been a year since I uploaded the book, and I honestly cannot believe we are here!!!! It all feels rather imaginary!! "Deal with Him" holds a special, dear place in my headt, and I thank everyone who has read and enjoyed it! I adore you, my darlings!! Kisses to everybody <333 


Words cannot explain how much I love your book. I read it a month ago and I just can't get it out of my head. I really want to turn this book into a physical one for my personal use. So, if you won't mind could I get the pdf version of this book? 


30 THOUSAND READS????? I will actually cry. I think it has already been a year since I uploaded the book, and I honestly cannot believe we are here!!!! It all feels rather imaginary!! "Deal with Him" holds a special, dear place in my headt, and I thank everyone who has read and enjoyed it! I adore you, my darlings!! Kisses to everybody <333 


Will u write another book?


@ theraphee  thank you soooo much <3333


@sourburdock I'm rooting for ya buddy break a leg! (I'll wait for you)


@ enlov3r  time is a ghost nowadays 
            I need to get into college (I will give a very difficult entry exam next summer which requires my travellingto a different town every 2 weeks), pass my driving exam, study for my final exams because I'm entering 12th grade (I have 5 different exams), maintain sanity (a hard one in today's world). Honestly and realistically, until next summer, I haven't got the time, although I do wish to write. If y'all are around anymore in a year's time, you might expect a new book. However, I do not promise anything. I am thrilled that you want more, though, and I do hear you out!!!! Kisses 


Oh my God! "Deal with him" just passed one thousand votes and twenty thousand reads. THANK YOU, DEAR READERS!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


@ -moonlighthours-  ❤️❤️❤️
            I'll be sure to check it out! :) 


@ triviajung  ❤️❤️❤️


@ y00qre  ❤️❤️❤️