
Hello, it's me. And I'm alive. 
          	(it's fine if you didn't catch the Adele and Sia reference, it was probably dry as hell.)


Just started reading "Flaws of Nature"; it is great so far and I plan on reading all of your books now :)


Thank you so much. It means a lot that you actual find my FON interesting and I hope the rest of the book doesn't disappoint. Just a little heads up, now that I have my head out of the clouds I'm going to be doing major construction to Flaws Of Nature and the rest of my books. So read on, but beware some of the characters and plot points may change... nothing is certain yet but will be made public soon... And thank you once again xx


being a guy (i mean you) is not a problem here in Wattpad world you know so don't be down or worried if they will be always react like a shocking animal like they didn't really have seen or chat with a guy those people are ignorants. (no hate bro).
          :) smile.


thank you, to be honest I am really not that bothered by people's reactions because they are always positive. i haven't received any hate on wattpad (yet) and to be honest it feels quite good. But thank you for posting this message, it really does mean a lot to me :)


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          So im gonna tell u something
          Honestly dont give a fuck about what people say about u or hate on u 
          Rise above them 
          They dont know u. They dont know the shit u go through (I dont know but if u go through bad shit, im here to talk- ALWAYS) 
          And they cant judge u based on what they think they know about u or if they know half the story
          Ur stonger, better, and will rise above them cz one day they will be working for u and asking u for a payraise XD 
          So ily no matter what, stay strong and dont let people judge u cz ur a guy that reads
          "No one can make u inferior without ur consent"~ Eleanor Roosevelt 


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oh fuck me this message is so fucking sweet and inspirational, you got my heart skipping a damn beat. thank you so much honestly. i love you <3