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Hey guys! It's me again! Um so I just finished watching the best movie of my life! Cyberbully! And I literally cried! I mean I'm not really a sucker for movies but this one taught a lot of good things and showed some bad things that can happen during cyber bullying, I mean it's a great movie, and I've been bullied a lot in my life, (one of them for being tiny ) and it taught me some things for when I do get bullied next time! I'm literally crying right now I'm so happy and sad! The main character is emily osment, and with her cyberbullying she tries to kill herself luckily her bestie and mom come to the rescue, but her bestie did also cause to to commit suicide but she didn't, she went to a support group and learned and now everything is just perfect! They stood up to the bully and are happy so please, if you can, take some time off and watch this movie! #antibullying remember be you makes the world a better place! Luv you monsters!