hi yall and merry christmas to those who celebrated yesterday! i apologise for not being active at all on here. i’ve been aiming to start working on something for a little while now but my motivation hasn’t been great lately sooooo… however, today i published “needed” on ao3. i think its a cool platform and stuff so after reading something on there i just felt like trying it out. i can’t say i’ll be switching to it from now on, but maybe i’ll post my fics here and on ao3 too. we’ll see. that’s all for now. thank you so so so much for your endless support. stan idle <33

hihihihi!! i'm glad your work is now being published in other places! new people can finally see the beauty of your writing be active when u can! we'll wait

i forgot to mention, my user is soyeonluvclub on there too https://archiveofourown.org/works/52554064