
Since I'm back at uni now, updates are going to be every Saturday, Part 7 of The Venom In You is on its way :P


 ♥️ ✨❤️♥️✨❤️♥️✨❤️♥️✨❤️♥️✨❤️♥️
          Happy New Year, love! May all your dreams and good wishes come true! 
          This New Year is like a book, take your pen, and write about yourself! In a good way! 
          Wish you the very best in all that you do!
          Stay safe and healthy!


Part 6 of The Venom In You will be out tomorrow! Sorry for the delay, it's been my birthday and I'm getting ready to move into uni again so it's been a bit busy!!
          So apologies if I haven't followed people back yet/read books I've promised to read. I will get on it as soon as possible.
          Much love xx