
“Do not despair, Contractor Mist,” Misa attempted to assure him. She remembered she read in some of the human self-help novels that empathy is key for improving emotional distress levels with some of them. Mist turned to her and attempted to hide his discomfort, whether from her uncharacteristic emotion or his actual dejected state. “Picture yourself on an island all alone, where you alone have to gather wood to build a boat to sail back home where people are relying on you. Breathe. Relax. Then go ahead and get back to work.”


“Do not despair, Contractor Mist,” Misa attempted to assure him. She remembered she read in some of the human self-help novels that empathy is key for improving emotional distress levels with some of them. Mist turned to her and attempted to hide his discomfort, whether from her uncharacteristic emotion or his actual dejected state. “Picture yourself on an island all alone, where you alone have to gather wood to build a boat to sail back home where people are relying on you. Breathe. Relax. Then go ahead and get back to work.”


Not going to lie, Wattpad is kind of over for me.
          My stories are on Royal Road, but all writing has pretty much ceased over here haha


@Polllardii By the way, I’m not deleting this or anything, just no longer posting haha


@spacebb -  Thanks for that.  I won't forget you, Spacebb and wish you lots of good things in the future!


"Very well, that sounds fun! Doesn't it?" The Queen of Sharra giggled, speaking to something that we could not see. The walls began to shift, as if it was the surface of water being disturbed. To the untrained eye, they would not have noticed a thing. I shuddered to think of what was speaking back to her. "A Hundred Year alliance between Us and the Holy Empire, how fun! I accept."
          A wave of awe rushed across the Nobles and even the soldiers. She does not seek reparations or subservience? My jaw must have unhinged itself and painted the carpet red, but I quickly scooped it back up. Everything around us is powerful enough to level our country! Anxiety clawed my insides but the Queen stared directly at the man in front of me, awaiting a response.
          "V-Very well, we m-must celebrate this momentous day," the Envoy stuttered. I gave him praise for being able to speak in the front of a monster like her. Despite her childishness, it was not simple arrogance. I knew that. Yet one hundred years...! She must be more wise beyond any of the Humans among us. Could she truly be thinking that far ahead?


“That’s simple,” Audrey leaned against the wall. Madoka put her hat over her head and relaxed, while Arudite seemed like she was going to pop. Here we go again, the maid decided to rest her eyes and watch the entertainment unfold. There was something so satisfying about this foolish Noble being toyed with by Audrey’s intellect.
          “It’s simply not simple,” she hit her hips with her fists. “Your… ‘Science’ might be useful up to a point, but it’s just if that you focus on what is physically possible, you miss the opportunity to create some useful spells with those strands of magic.”
          “Mmm, like what kind of spells?”
          “That’s too difficult to explain, more like I can just show.”
          “That’s just a different way of saying you dunno,” Audrey sighed. 
          “I understand the concept, yes! But I do not understand how you do so. The way you approach the unknown.”
          “Oh, that’s fairly easy, Arudite,” Audrey took a piece of charcoal and began to draw several large circles on it. “When one discovers meaning in the unknown that fundamentally changes their understanding of how the physical works, they amend the axiom of their preconceived notions. At least, them smart ones do. They do not reject it. They fear it, yeah, but they come away with a better understanding and go from there.”
          “And they rewrite the laws of physics?”
          “Nah, they just amend them based on the proofs before them, changing how we understand reality, you feel me?”


“Roxanne, is t-that truly you?” One of the humans inside the Energy Vase uttered as we walked by. Blanche looked at the creature and tilted her head. The rows of Energy Vases each contained the bodies of humans, beastfolk and orcs that the Spiders wanted. It was horrifying! I couldn’t believe she did not let me in on the fun of securing these! “Forgive me, daughter! Forgive us!”
          “I do not understand,” she explained to me. “Roxanne, daughter, forgive me? I do not understand her.”
          “Roxanne!” The woman screamed, but her voice was muffled by the glass. She banged uselessly on the Vase’s side as she pleaded with me. “Please, let me go, I want to see my Daughter, just even for one moment. I— I understand that she might not recognize me! I let him sell her, it was my fault I couldn’t stop him! Please. Let me speak with Roxanne.”
          I leaned in and smiled, seizing the woman in fear. 
          “You know there’s not a single shred of Roxanne’s soul inside there, right?” I cackled. Her eyes widened with fear and betrayal. I raised my arm as a cute little Body Spider crawled out from my sleeve and sat on my hand. “Her soul was devoured by one of these, but I would like to say she is in a better place now.”
          The woman started screaming before I could continue my monologue. Blanche tugged my hand and we continued on the tour.


E1: Brother Yengir. You stand before us, having lost your way in the Light. What have you to say for yourself?
          Y1: Your Emminence, I— No. You’re all going to— You’re all going to be consumed by them. You don’t understand! No one in the Sharra Kingdom is human! They all have— E-Eight Eyes! They’re not—
          [He’s mad!]
          E2: Enough. I have heard enough. It seems, Brother, you have not changed your heart and mind. The Goddess shows mercy upon those who do, even the ones who have committed a cardinal sin such as calling Her Holiness’s Vassal State inhuman. May she show you in the Afterlife.
          Y2: You— You can’t be serious! Your Emminence! I have the documents, the eviden— don’t take me away! The spiders are… Humanity is at stake here! Stake!
          E3: I cannot bare to see you like this, dear Brother. Take him away.


[0013] The orbital view of the XYZ Sector Codenamed “FORBIDDEN” remains undisturbed. The Containment Zone has expanded into G6 and C3 Columns, but recedes at a nominal perimeters like a tide from the ocean. Camera feed activates suddenly.
          [0016] A surge of SSP particulates spray upwards of 1500m within the A5 area, emitting a flash of light that temporarily knocks the orbital view down, causing the camera to malfunction.
          [0019] Camera is back online, capturing the persistent burst of radiation and [REDACTED] Light and soon the screen is obscured by [REDACTED] particulates. Amidst the shaking, a clear view in three frames (See photos below) of what appears to be a humanoid female rising up into the sky, unaffected by both the SSP and the [REDACTED] particulates. Whether the individual in the photos has expired due to the intense exposure to either of those or the blast is currently unknown.
          [0023] The camera restabilizes and continues watching FORBIDDEN as if none of the containment breach has happened, although the screen is still damaged and methods for retrieval is impossible at the present date. 


I can’t believe it.
          You! Standing right before me, before the Rewinding. You don’t know how long I’ve been searching for you. No, no, don’t leave me now. We don’t have a lot time left. You, me. We’ll have a little duel here, yes, you and me. In this sea of someones and somethings, us two nothings are what’s left.
          And you have what I need! The spark of changing, though, I am not sure what that means…
          The spark, I need it. And for that, we shall fight here and now on top of the ashes of this Realm. Maybe in time when you come back here, I’ll finally find out how to stop time from rewinding once again…


“I never wanted any of this!”
          Elaine shouted. The massive form of Attor slithered around the Tower and one of his eyes’s pupils filled the entire window as it narrowed upon her. Most of the room was shattered to pieces besides the floor and walls, which were sealed by a protective magic from the Dragon.
          “When I saw the Golden Strands,” she continued. “I didn’t know what it was, honest! I didn’t stop to question why it chose me or why I reached out and plucked its strings. All of my life, being fawned over by nobles, the King’s scheming 2nd Prince, and forced to gather strength all because of my Father— could you even begin to understand what I’ve gone through!?”
          She shouted at Attor’s eye, launching a powerful beam of Light Magic at him. It wouldn’t harm him, even if it managed to pierce the protective barrier he put up. Elaine collapsed and sobbed.
          “All I wanted with this power was to protect her,” Elaine cried. “Even if it was the Goddess’s will to get rid of the Witch, why should they punish her— my dear sister? That Witch is going to destroy all of the Bohuns and it’s all my fault I could not stop the Spiders! O Life, how unfair must this be?”
          Finally after a long time, Attor spoke.
          “You wish to protect Charlotte?” 
          “How do you know that name!?”
          A green misty cloud began to sift through the windows and the translucent Spirit form of the Dragon’s massive head filled the room. Elaine scooted back away from him as he manifested before her, with terror filling her eyes. A shadow warped underneath his Jade silhouette. White hair emerged from its darkness. Her eyes widened and she heard two voices speak in unison. The Dragon’s and another girl’s voice! It was too familiar!
          “That makes three of us.”
          “Blanche!” Elaine’s back pressed up against the stony wall of the tower as the Spider Queen’s Spy approached her.  “Y-You’re the Witch? What…? Why? Why are you planning all of this!”
          “It’s been awhile, Sister of My Charlotte.”