
Chapter 4 of Old Frontiers is up.  New Artwork is incoming, hopefully within the next week or two.  Now that things are settled down I'll be trying to get back to a semi-regular updating schedule.


The first chapter of Old Frontiers: The Severan Contingency is currently up.  This is book 1 of a larger storyline following the same characters from the short story miniseries.   New cover artwork is still coming, but for now, I've used the original one.  I will attempt to keep some sort of schedule in releasing further chapters about every week.


Thanks for following me, Abram & providing the book cover information.
          I write both non-fiction & science fiction.
          FEDERATION Discovery – my latest, most complex project. A work in progress: 
          Green Door – science fiction novella in which a man, walking his dog, saves humanity:
          Mindslip – sci-fi/horror novel which recounts the disaster which happens to the Earth next Wednesday. Geoff discovers he is no longer the man he thought he was: 
          Moonscape – sci-fi/horror novella. A crater survey on the moon leads into a helter-skelter race to save the Earth: 
          The Visitor – science fiction novel in which a dynamic female astronaut, on the first ever space-junk elimination mission, finds something which should most definitely not be in low-Earth orbit; 
          Non-fiction essay exploring why Mars is so difficult to reach: 
          Non-fiction essay++ looking at the Moon conspiracy: 
          Loch Ness Understood – non-fiction illustrated book explaining why the classic Nessie is not real, but there might be more to the mystery than meets the eye: 
          Scotland’s Bloody History – the non-fiction chronology of Scotland’s history made simple through its bloodiest stories:
          So Fa La Land – dramatised non-fiction about a family between the world wars and later:
          I also have a blog at