@PQR32HI ah yes. time to answer hehe, i love answering questions honestly. ok so the first question was how i would die, this might not happen, but it’s my dream way to die. i would like to be curbstomped i reckon, it just seems fun! if i did die before coming out fully, i would want everyone to know, but it probably wouldnt happen because my mom has already said several times that me being like that could ruin her and my brothers lives because their friends might not accept me, but why do their friends matter more than my happiness, yknow? but yeah, i would want everyone to know. next question is- hOLY SWEET JESUS- UH YES? my parents already have looked through my phone, like several days ago. but if they were to fully go through my phone, like the stuff i said not to touch, then i they would probably cry, but on a scale of one to thirteen, i would say thirteen.
ok, name suggestions, (yeah you can call it your deadname, even if you still use it :]) what about sage? i will look for more name, but right now that’s all i could think of.
reaction to the stories: 1. That sounds awesome! you have to give me a reading as soon as you get them. 2. lmao, one of my friends put the initials of their grandfather on something, which just so happens to also be their boyfriends initials which is kinda similar. 3. well it doesn’t hurt to try, right? maybe like just for a short period of time try them to see if they change anything or not, but if you don’t want to, that’s up to you :D 4. OOOO CONGRATS!!!!!! i’m super happy for you!!!!!! even though it could take too years it’s still really good, also you have to tell me the results! after two years :]