*ahem* id like to talk ab the next chapter of mr. mania rlly quickly...
it is truly going to be a pivotal role in the development of the mr. mania lore. not only will u be reading about overpriced water from norway, but u will also be reading about south korean costcos, evil schemer jongho, yungi marriage counselling, mingi's life altering discovery, a thieving seonghwa, and hemochromatosis (as well as many other health related nonsense thanks to jongho's illness) and much more. this is kind of a lore drop/filler chapter + u find out what happens to ghost seonghwa (im smirking evilly rn)
erm it'll be published sometime this month i think... i cant seem to focus these days so i dont wanna force myself to write and then publish garbage. u will not catch me lacking, mark my worms.
yea, big things are in the works rn, my pookies. mr. mania is quickly coming to a close. (sequel, mayhaps???)
also 1 million dollars to whoever can guess my name (its very hard)