
Is anyone interested in a OuterBanks next gen? It could be an applyfic. I think I might also write a OuterBanks inspired book because I loved the show so much and I had a dream last night 


I had taken a break from writing because my face broke out like crazy to the point I started crying because it started be irritating and itchy like crazy and I didn’t know why, but I’m getting back to writing tomorrow and I will do two chapters for the Tvd applyfic and forget me not as an apology for the long wait. 


@spariax No worries, I hope you're okay soon <3


Would anyone be interested in a book like monster high but instead you can make the characters look how you imagined! I’m thinking it’ll be anime based characters instead 
          What do you guys think? I’m also thinking of doing of ever after high one as well! 


Hello, followers would anyone be interested in a gang applyfic? Or a music school applyfic? If you have any suggestions for applyfic that you’d like to see or haven’t seen let me know! 
          Or even some inspired applyfic of movies or series franchises! I’m always up to make some. Or we could do a co-writer one if you’d like. 


@spariax finish my form


@spariax I have discord (Sariah0356)


@Biggirl568 do you have Instagram? TikTok? Or discord? Maybe I can try to help you if you’d like 


Hello, everyone. I will be making a gang story inspired by Oscar and Cesar Diaz from ON MY BLOCK if anyone is interested in making some characters please let me know! 
          My TikTok is spariax and my instagram is spar.iax 


Anyone interested in a team car racing. It’ll be like a group of cocky and over confident racers learn to get along while joining together to become the fastest team racers the world has ever seen! Kinda like Cars 3 but instead it’s many newbie or old racers coming together. 
          Let me know if you’re interested! 


Who’s ready for a gang love story? If you’re interested in making characters let me know but it will not be a applyfic but an original story completely, but I don’t mind adding more characters in! Each Act will have a couple added to fall in love with, and I might make other books as well if this book gets the attention I’m hoping for 


I kinda wanna redo my legacies applyfic called “Sky Full Of Stars” and make it an original plot just because I don’t like the legacies plot  the og cast would still be in it but just not that wackass plot 


Ooou or maybe a whole new legacies applyfic but an original. With Klaus’s, Stefan’s trying to bring their parents back no matter the cost with old villains trying to end their lives at the same time. It would the Mikaelson kid’s/Salvatore kid’s and ? Other bringing the other side back by making a anchor 