
A few new stories may be coming your way, so that I can write what I feel like when I feel like writing it! Just a heads up. Don't think I am abandoning my first novellette. I'm simply allowing my inspiration to flow over into other genres! ♡


A few new stories may be coming your way, so that I can write what I feel like when I feel like writing it! Just a heads up. Don't think I am abandoning my first novellette. I'm simply allowing my inspiration to flow over into other genres! ♡


The next update on "The Way She Left Us" should be up within the next 3 days! I hope you guys are enjoying it so far... the story is  starting, and it won't be long before you get some real action in there. Speaking of action, there will be plenty in the next update, as you get the pleasure of meeting the third main character! I can't wait to start writing it and to see what you all think so far!