
- Always going to be mine 
          	-how I met master Zane 
          	- one shot book (doing requests)
          	- under your spell
          	- I’m in love with a bad guy
          	- war and marriage 
          	- no way out 
          	These are my main focus ones at the moment 
          	If you have any request for one shot book feel free to put it down below.
          	But anyway theses are the ones that I’m going to take time and write and get to speed with and then if there is any parts in the one shot books that need doing I’ll do them too 
          	But for now see you in the next chapter 


- Always going to be mine 
          -how I met master Zane 
          - one shot book (doing requests)
          - under your spell
          - I’m in love with a bad guy
          - war and marriage 
          - no way out 
          These are my main focus ones at the moment 
          If you have any request for one shot book feel free to put it down below.
          But anyway theses are the ones that I’m going to take time and write and get to speed with and then if there is any parts in the one shot books that need doing I’ll do them too 
          But for now see you in the next chapter 


So I’m going to do a RP book in the meantime 
          Once I can find a storyline for the next chapter of one of my books 
          This roleplay is Aphmau related mcd and my street
          Once it’s posted feel free to put your own character from both seasons their and start role playing 
          I know I have one here but I want to start fresh 


Hello to everyone..... 
          I know I haven’t been active this year and I’m very sorry.
          I was supposed to complete school because I didn’t succeed last year because school lost all my work. So, I went again this year until I just felt like I was getting nowhere and felt like that I was just going to be a failure so I dropped out, out of nowhere didn’t tell my friends my mum really was the only one who I told the one I told I just can’t take it anymore 
          My depression was coming back. Also this year I had two jobs one 15+ and the other one 10+ and it was taking a lot out of me. But I decided to drop one and do the other one because I was doing a tafe course one it (retail cert III)
          But the same day I quit my job I got a text message saying we don’t need you anymore it’s too quiet down here...
          I just dropped down in tears because I just dropped my other job so I can pick up more hours and finish up my tafe... luckily I got my certificate but still unemployed...
          But this year isn’t too bad 
          Their was one thing that I love very deeply 
          And going to talk about 
          I found someone who loves me for me 
          And I’ve been spending a lot of time with him.
          And on the 12th of October we had a 6th month anniversary 
          This person has made me very happy and I’m just very glad to of met them.
          But what I’m trying to say is I’m very sorry for not uploading my imagination and love of stories I’ve lost but I’m trying to get it back...
          The next chapter I’ve been working on and is taking a long time but hopefully soon it should be posted (the master Zane’s one)
          I’ve gone back to my shell 
          I have too much anxiety and stress for posting 
          And I’m trying to work on it to feel happy about posting to you guys
          If there are still any of you out there once again I am truly sorry 
          I am really trying my best 


Aww thank you ❤️
            I just feel bad that I haven’t posted anything for a long time 


Well take your time your health come first we will still be here when you come back!


Ik how youve told us your life is catotic but just so you know, me and many others are looking forward to you updating 'how i met master zane' because ita an amazing book and your an amazing author! I hope your life gets sorted out btw!


How I met master Zane should be out today or tomorrow 
          And be ready for it! 


Yes I will be! Hopefully soon 
            And thanks! 


@sparkle1001 hey are u going to update the ein x reader.  It's really good


Hello to all my followers... yes I know I said I’ll update and I will. I just had some really major family problems and a loss a family pet and it took me down... but anyway I’ll be hopefully getting a chapter out soon but once again I’m so sorry and hope you had a wonderful Christmas! 


NOOO WAY! Do you watch Aphmau? GIRL I LOVE YOU!  I don't know you irl but I'm here if you want to talk! I'm always here to talk to someone about feelings! Plus, sometimes I get lonely.


AWW THANK YOU TOO {She hugs you back}


Awww thank you! Sorry for the late reply my phone didn’t Notify me but *hugs you to make you not feel lonely* 