
Okay, a lot of people are asking me to update again, and I checked and realised that I haven't updated since November. I'm really sorry, but I don't have a lot of free time! I have coursework to do for school, I have mock exams that I really need to pass,I still have problems with my crush (aka I am using my best friend as a wingman to try and talk to him) and I have two job interviews I need to prepare for, so I'm a little bit busy! I'm in Year 12 now (11th Grade I think) and it's really important that I start sorting my life out and getting my act together! Plus, my doctor just put me on new medication and I'm trying to get used to it. So I'm sorry if I can't update as frequently as you (and I, honestly) would have hoped, but my life is actually a thing and I need some sense of normality! x


Okay, a lot of people are asking me to update again, and I checked and realised that I haven't updated since November. I'm really sorry, but I don't have a lot of free time! I have coursework to do for school, I have mock exams that I really need to pass,I still have problems with my crush (aka I am using my best friend as a wingman to try and talk to him) and I have two job interviews I need to prepare for, so I'm a little bit busy! I'm in Year 12 now (11th Grade I think) and it's really important that I start sorting my life out and getting my act together! Plus, my doctor just put me on new medication and I'm trying to get used to it. So I'm sorry if I can't update as frequently as you (and I, honestly) would have hoped, but my life is actually a thing and I need some sense of normality! x


I feel like I need to make it clear that I can't update every single day! I have school and homework and friends and family and a freaking crush that I can barely even say 3 words to and I'm trying to figure that out so I'm sorry if you want me to update every day but I don't think it's going to be possible.