
Been over a year, I'm no longer using wattpad like I used to.  I had a lot of friends here, and a lot of followers.  So thanks to you all.  I updated my about info, on my profile, I'd love for you to take a look.


It’s been a very long time since I’ve updated anything.  Currently I’m thinking of trashing the Wolf King so I can rename it.  It needs serious rewrites and three years later I still haven’t completed the first draft.  I’m dragging.


Hey! Just wanted to say thank you for voting for my story! I should have my next chapter up by tonight. Just have some editing to do, so if you want to check out the next chapter in a few hours, it should be posted. Again, thank you. I appreciate the support.


@ChickaMilly aw of course :) 
            Always looking for something good to read!


She is a creature of grace,
          Moving still hearts, compelling stiffened emotions.
          She is a creature of beauty,
          With a sunset smile, and an air of complexity.
          And her eyes, deep like the ocean, boundless like the universe, swirling pools of color from the palate of Van Gogh.
          Her kindness is never-ending, her love never ceases, and her grace is ever comforting.
          With a voice that lifts you out of the deepest despairs, and cleans you,
          And a vision that brings you new life.


Sometimes I see you,
          Standing there,
          Smiling and waving.
          I try to wave back but my arms hang limply by my sides.
          I try to smile, but the corners of my lips refuse to move.
          I’m forced to stand there and watch as you fade away.


this message may be offensive
What is Love?
          St. Augustine said it was an embodiment of compassion.  It had the eyes to see the weary, the heart to hasten to the needy or something like that.  I always held a deep distain for Love.  It always fails.  Nothing is permanent and nothing lasts forever.  I just couldn’t see the logic in letting oneself get wrapped up in feelings only to be torn down at a later date.  People say it’s not the fall that hurts, it’s the landing.  But I can assure you, falling hurts just as much.  I’ve never had experience with love, but I know what it’s like to fall.   
          I’m tired.  I’m tired of falling.  Of being accused, of being hurt, of being beaten.  I’m tired of the years and years of pain, fear, anger, and guilt that have controlled my life and turned it into a mess of bullshit that would have been deemed to tragic for the likes of Shakespeare.
          Then.....out of the blue, my best friend...became, dare I say, a little more?  I tried to deny it in my head, I couldn’t bear the thought of ending up in a worse situation.  I was on the verge of death, biding my time with a razor in one hand an a rope in the other.  And I felt the strangest sensation.   I can only hope to identify it as happiness.  Perhaps it’s  more akin to insanity, but who am I to say?  I never felt that way about anyone before.  Never ever ever.  But those fleeting moments are almost too good to give up.  I started to understand the tiniest amount, why people are willing to throw themselves into something only to have it fail.  If I could feel this happy all the time, I’d do anything.
          I also feel overwhelmingly pathetic....and scared my inexperienced and lack of self-confidence cloud my mind, but that’s another story.
          Right now, I’m lost, confused...yet for the first time in a really long time, I’m kinda happy.
          And you, out know I love you.  Even if that word has only entered my vocabulary recently.  I really do.  And I think it’s kinda funny how your name reminds me of Tolkien