
Do you have a story that hasn't gotten as much engagement as you feel it should? Check out this amazing Hidden Gems Award, as the name implies!


Welcome to the Super Elite Book. We run the same monthly format as the previous club of ours that you were part of, The Monthly Society and I thought you might like this club. 
          Get ready to feel the excitement! You've been personally invited to join the exclusive Super Elite Book Club! This is not your average book club - we've revolutionised the reading experience with our innovative format.
          Say goodbye to rushed fortnightly pairings! Our club gives you a whole month to dive into the selected book, allowing you ample time to absorb the content and provide your partner with thoughtful, comprehensive feedback. Get ready for a reading adventure like no other!



“Finally, you have returned. Welcome Rhiea.”
          ♛ ♛ ♛
          It’s the dawn of a new year and I'm so glad for the achievements of the past year. You should too! Whether you started a new story or finished an old one. Or you picked up a new habit or hobby. Anything, big or small, celebrate it and step into this new year like you belong here! Take hold of your life and chase your dreams.
          Silver: The Lost Royal is finally complete and I couldn’t be any more grateful than I am. It's been a heck of a journey since March 2022, but here I am, almost two years later and I can’t wait for you all to read it. If you haven't started, now it’s complete and ready for you to read without any interruptions or delays.
          ♛ ♛ ♛
          Happy New Year. Wishing us all a prosperous journey ahead!
          Whiscanter, the home of the White Castle, the birth of the SiatJans, and the origin of the  Silverein. Welcome to the beginning

           ~ Mis. A ❤️


this message may be offensive
          She gripped the side of her cloak. The dampening effect of the prison had made her temporarily forget about the lock mechanism. As she dashed forward, she struggled to search for the essential key all Endoni possessed, her heart speeding up with each step. Ashe had told her not to look back, but one glance wouldn't hurt, right?
          Wrong. Very wrong.
          ♛ SILVER ♛
          Two more chapters left and two more days in 2024. Stay tuned, the last two chapters are packed.


She knew what it was before it rose from the ground. Red-blazing eyes glared back at her, the fur on its skin roiling as it took shape. But she didn't give it the luxury of time. Setting her palms on fire, she charged into the air, shooting up to eye level with the darned creature before she let loose balls of fire. She wasn't just close to home; she was already home and there was no way she would let this creature rip the chance from her.
          ♛ SILVER ♛
          Even the doorstep of the White Castle couldn’t feel any further away from home!
          Two new chapters are up! Check them out below! 


It finally came. The day the fog would clear over the courtyard of the Grand Prison. The day that would mark the beginning of freedom in Wlerden. So many names Giliashad called it, yet with every new name, Karyn didn't feel any better about it.
          ♛ SILVER ♛
          We’re counting down to the end of 2024 and the end of Silver: The Lost Royal. Tune in for more updates from now till the end of the year!


The woman's cold gray eyes, soft yet piercing, held a wisdom that had weathered the years. They gazed upon them, full of acceptance, as her arms stretched out, beckoning them forward.
          "It's time to come home, my grandchildren."
          ♛ SILVER ♛
          Chapter 49, The Forking, tells tales of different paths. We’re slowly nearing the end as we come to the end of the year. How are your holidays going so far? 


How innocent he had been to believe that life would restore what it had taken away so easily. Time and again, it seemed whenever life removed something precious; it did so with no intention of giving it back. Now, he found himself lost in thoughts of his parents, and more recently, of Karyn.
          Could he pursue her? Would he have the chance to win her heart? Was it possible that life could be gentle enough to grant him this one wish?
          ♛ SILVER ♛
          A new chapter is out and we see Zack stuck between two hefty options. Which will he pick? 
          Silver is a YA fantasy following the journey of a long-lost princess aiming to get justice for her parents. Sounds interesting? Check it out with the link below!