
Hey guys!
          	I know it's been a while, but I'm back (at least for the moment)! I just wanted to let you know, for those of you following Blue, that I have updated all 31 chapters already up, and will be adding new ones in the next couple days. PLEASE GO BACK AND READ AT LEAST THE LAST FEW CHAPTERS BEFORE GOING ON, as they are different/drastically edited. Thanks, and hope you like it! Love you guys <3


Wow, it has been a while since I have been on here! But I just wanted to say, E.J., that every so often I always trace myself back to your True Hearts Series, and Daughter of a Demon was one of the first books I read when I first joined wattpad back in ‘12/13 (on my old account lol)!
           Do you have any social media’s? Your books always made me feel seen and what I’ve always felt but never knew how to word them, especially on Over the Edge. Would love to see where you are now and hopefully you’re still writing!!


Ten things is an amazing book .I like the way you describe every single things in it reached my heart, ending scene was tense I cried at that . 
          You have an amazing talent. Keep on writing. And thanks for sharing such awesome stories with us.


Hey I wanted to know what happened to the your book Hayley?


@badboyluver I actually was getting ready to post and ask the same thing. It was one of my favorites and I'm bummed its not on here anymore


@badboyluver omg same i loved that book 