It's probably past midnight, so I won't try to bug you. It's Cloversong!! Yes, I deleted my old account. But I'm back, and I hope nothing bad happened to you! I missed you, and I just want to remind you that we care, Dasher and I.
If you need proof that I am who I say I am, think back to the chat. I was the one who officiated your wedding, I have Silver Pollen, thus is a Pollenist, and my OC is a light brown tabby she-cat with emerald-green eyes and a four-leaf clover mark on her forehead. She has one black paw, the rest are white (it's possibly the other way around) and is the cat form of Clover Carol Silverluck, who you should remember.
I hope you know who I am. Because I remember you with everything in me. Even if I have changed. I remember. All of it! So, if you do too, please respond.
-Clover Carol Silverluck, your closest, yet farthest, friend.