
/   sorry for not being active , i got a playstion for christmas and have been playing grinding the spider-man games ♡︎
          	i do have anon ideas now tho : eyes :


The female flicked her green hues to the wrapped box then back up to the male, her eyes squinting in hesitation . “ what’s in it — ? “ she questioned , pointing to the box. 


⠀⠀⠀ ☠︎ |       a toothy   ,,   untrustworthy grin spread across the teen  '   s face as he held out a wrapped box   ,,   rocking back and forth on his feet  .   the gift sat innocently in his hands   ,,   what was inside  .ᐣ   a camera stand he totally bought with his d̶a̶d̶s̶ money  .   he extended the gift toward the other   ,,   his grin widening  .   "  you know the point of a wrapped gift is so you don  '   y know what the gift is   ,,   right  .ᐣ  "      -    ✦
            @-HXTTOPIC      -    ✦


cb for a christmas themed starter 


/   Gib gib 


   /     your account is vv edible..
          "woah  ,  woah! what's with the rush  ,  kid? you running away from something orrr  .. ?"


somnis was blabbering away  ,  more words than the other would generally spare. ' we can't handle kids blah blah ' boring stuff. he made the mature decision of :  ignoring him. "thanks. we hid all the bad qualities away to trick people into thinking that." truth  ,  lloyd had long since tore the place apart only to rearrange it in a nicer way. "you happen to have a name? or do we get to keep referring to you as   '  kid  '   ?" a title that would more than likely still appear even if they   /  were  /   given something else.


⠀⠀⠀ ☠︎ |       bart let out a snort at the sarcasm   ,,   also finding it amusing  .   “  thanks  .  "   he replied with a faint smile tugging at the corners of his mouth  .   as the other shared how they remembered doing the same thing   ,,   bart relaxed a little   ,,   grateful there wouldn  '   t be some lecture about skipping school  —   he got enough of that at home  .   rocking back and forth on his feet   ,,   he waited for the door to open fully before stepping inside  .   his eyes scanned the entrance as he walked in  .   "  you have a nice place  .  "   he commented  .    -    ✦


   /     no worries!
            "great survival skills you got there  ,  kid." he huffed out with a bit of amusement. with that settled he let go of the other  ,  turning to fully face the door now. it wasn't like them to typically house anyone but it wouldn't hurt any to help out. after confirming he had been told the truth  ,  that is. "we remember doing the same when we were around your age. probably would have stayed in school longer if there was a place to hide away in every now and then." he pushed the door open as he spoke  ,  motioning with his head for the teen to head in.


“  Keep your fist straight with your arm , “ Mavis instructed moving Bart’s hand gently in fixing of his posture, “ Follow through with the punch . “ 


⠀⠀⠀ ☠︎ |       at the confirmation that his form was improving   ,,   bart threw a little victory fist bump into the air   ,,   even as mavis added that he still needed more practice  .   "  yesss  .ᐟ  "   he cheered  .   okay   ,,   so maybe it  '   d take a bit to perfect his punch  .   staying focused on one thing for too long was so not his thing   ,,   but he figured it  '   d be worth it  .   plus   ,,   not like he was gonna go around starting fights for no reason  …   probably  .   but still   ,,   imagine someone  '   s face when he actually lands a decent punch  .ᐟ   totally worth it  .   his grin widened as he wiped some sweat that was forming on his forehead  .   they  '   d only been practicing for   ,,   what  —   ten minutes  .ᐣ   and he was already exhausted  .   how did mavis make this look so easy  .ᐣ   "  can i take a break  .ᐣ   "   he asked   ,,   slightly out of breath   ,,   though he was already inching toward a seat  .
            @-HXTTOPIC    -    ✦


/ mine is so short omg ! I just got off work so my brains kind of eepy lmao ! 


The female crossed her arms as the male struck the punching bag again , this time with the followed instructions . She looked to her left in a glance , almost as if someone had spoken to her , before looking to the male again . “ better , “ she nodded , “ it’ll need more practice , but definitely better . “ 


“ I just … Don’t understand how a dog can be / that / skinny … It needs some pizza . “ 


this message may be offensive
            "  santa  '   s little helper eats plenty of pizza  .   he just has like  —   high dog metabolism or something  .  "   bart said with a shrug  .   he didn  '  t really react much to the sight of   ,,   well   ,,   a turtle guy  .   he  '   s seen weirder shit  .   besides   ,,   he just assumed it was some kind of costume  .


/ Bart and family visiting Gotham ?? : eyes : 
          ( curious & Friendly in one ) 
          Finally ! Freedom . The red head thought , crouching on the rooftop as she breathed in the cities cold and crisp air . Being away for months on a small ‘ mission ‘ of sorts in a small town made her realize just how much she had missed the crime ridden city . 
          Moving the mask over her lips and nose , she continued around the rooftops of the buildings . Small giggles came from her as she roamed , before pausing . ‘ Finally ‘ , she thought as she raced to the noise , ‘ some action . ‘
          Skidding to a halt , the female’s olive green hues widened before rolling . Why was Bart in Gotham ?! And why was he , of all people , targeted this night ? 
          Half of her wanted to walk away , the giggles bubbling in her .. but , instead , the assassin leaped down and took easy care of the baddies . 


@speciallittleguy … / 
            The masked female hummed to his stammered ‘ thanks ‘ , a small blink of a response was all she gave as she flicked her eyes around him before turning, “ C’mon . Rooftops are safer to travel by than down here . “ 
            Taking the lead , not daring to wait , the red head started climbing up a ladder to the fire escapes that lead up to the roof tops . The sounds of gunfire and tires screeching weren’t too far behind , yet they weren’t as close either . However , because of her background , Mavis knew they would leave her alone if they knew it was her . And , well , if they tried then her father figure would be out of a couple more men . The thought made her fingers twitch . 
            Once on the roofs, Mavis  waited for the male . She leaned over the ledge and watched the streets behind him , then to him as if seeing if he was following or if she could leave him . But , of course , she wasn’t going to leave him . Despite who she was now , she considered Bart a friend .. she just hoped he didn’t find out it was her behind the mask .. 


            the teen watched as she moved   ,,   swiftly taking down the thieves with ease  .   damn   ,,   if they hadn  '   t been trying to rob him just seconds ago   ,,   he might  '   ve actually felt bad for them  .   it was clear this wasn  '   t her first time dealing with thugs like these  .   she was helping  —   he thought  —   unless she was planning on doing like   ,,   robbing him too  .   but no one would stoop that low  …   right  .ᐣ   anyways   ,,   she probably lived in the city and might be able to point him in the right direction  .   bart clung to that hope   ,,   though the thought didn  '   t exactly calm his nerves  .
            his musings were cut short when she flicked one of the guy’s noses and insulted him  .   wait   ,,   this was joker  '   s territory  .ᐣ.ᐟ   suddenly   ,,   it made sense why the streets were so empty  .   his stomach dropped  .   as the stranger turned her attention to him   ,,   bart gulped   ,,   his entire body tensing  .   he wasn  '   t the religious type   ,,   but he silently prayed to whoever might be listening that she wouldn  '   t harm him. instinctively   ,,   he pulled his legs closer as she began to approach  .   when she told him to get up   ,,   he scrambled to his feet almost immediately   ,,   too stunned to argue  .   this was definitely not someone he wanted to mess with  .   his eyes widened when she casually mentioned that joker  '   s goons would  '   ve done far worse than the guys who tried to rob him  .   "  t  -  thanks  .  "


@speciallittleguy  … 
             females movements were quick . Calculated . From Dipping down to a crouch and sweeping the leg , to grabbing another’s head in her hands and bashing their nose to her knee cap . It was over within seconds . 
            The groans of the goons made the female smirk under the mask that covered her lips and connected to the bridge of her nose . 
            Crouching to one , the female snickered , flicking the broken nose of one of the goons . 
            “ Man , You sure are dumb for crossing into the Jokers territory ~ “ Mavis sang , her voice braking as she held back manic laughter . The rush made her finger tips tremble , the laughter of spirits that lingered in her head laughed loudly . Oh how badly she just wanted to watch them *bleed* . 
            “ Best leave you here for the big scary bats, hehe! You aren’t fun to me anymore anyways, “ The red head sighed , having to keep herself in semi - control . And, With that, she stood and hummed ‘ London bridges ‘ as she turned quickly on her heels to the male on the ground . Her head cocked to the left , almost like a swift snap , hands behind her back as she slowly moved to him . Her stride was loose , hips swaying before she reached the others side . 
            “ Get up . “ She spoke , her voice soft yet tinted of a barked order , “ Jokers Goons aren’t fun to mess with . They’ll do worse to you than these losers . “ 


“ Hey , uhmm — “ the red head started , holding the camera in her hands to her chest , “ You kind of are getting into my shot - “ 


urghhh  .   this random person was starting to remind him of his little sister   ,,   lisa  —   though a little nicer  .   not that being like lisa was a bad thing  …   mostly  .   and bart could kind of understand her passion for photography  .   he had his own interests that some people didn  '  t quite get or appreciate  .
            he pursed his lips as he watched her sit down   ,,   and then decided to join her  .ᐟ   he plopped down   ,,   propped one of his legs up and rested his chin on his knee  .   "  it  '   s cool  .   i was gonna head out soon anyway  .  "   he shrugged  .
            ⠀ ☠︎       @-HXTTOPIC    -    ✦


@speciallittleguy … !! 
            The female watched the male look to the photo she had taken , a small smile forming . She had a feeling that he didn’t see what she did , but that was alright . At least he wasn’t being rude about it . “ It’s okay if you don’t see it , “ she said softly , sitting down as she packed the camera , “ Sorry for bothering you while your skating , “ the red head added , moving the camera bag strap over her shoulder and letting it lay crossed her chest in a ‘ cross body ‘ style . 


when she turned the camera around to show bart the photos   ,,   he stepped closer   ,,   squinting at the screen  .   "  i guess i can see why you think it  '   s perfect   ,,  "   he admitted   ,,   tilting his head slightly  .   "  it does kinda look   ,,   uh  —   perfect  .  "   then again   ,,   he usually viewed things in a negative light rather than a positive one  .   "  i guess .  "   he added with a shrug  .
            ⠀ ☠︎       @-HXTTOPIC    -    ✦