
To anyone who's curious about what happened to The Bonded, I've gotten it published! It's already available on amazon's kindle, and will soon be available for print on amazon. It's also on createspace.com's store. So anyone who wants to read it can now support me by buying it! :) 


To anyone who's curious about what happened to The Bonded, I've gotten it published! It's already available on amazon's kindle, and will soon be available for print on amazon. It's also on createspace.com's store. So anyone who wants to read it can now support me by buying it! :) 


@elvissparrow lol no not Alexia. I decided I wanted to publish The Bonded first. Fantasy stuff is getting pretty big right now so I thought that was a good choice. And it's the one I have the best edited version of lol. But I'll let you know once its done and it'll be on amazon ;) but I have to wait on Jacob to make/finish the cover for me lol 


I'm really sorry to have to announce this, but I'm going to have to put Dear Sophie's advice column on hold. With everything going on with me right now, I can't even take advice well, let alone give it. I'm sorry to those of you who have sent questions within the last few months, to those of you who may have been planning on it. I'd rather not give advice for a while than give terrible advice. I'm truly sorry about this and hope that I can bring it back soon. Until then I well attempt to write more for my actual stories, as well as maybe start a new one if I can find the time. 
          Also, the chapters for both ALTT and Tails that I'm about to post were actually written months ago, I just haven't had time to type and edit them until today. 
          I hope all of you guys can understand this, and I'm sorry I had to do it. 


I love your book The Bonded! It's awesome! I love absolutely anything that is purely fantasy. I would really appreciate it if you could take a look at my story Ravenous Rebellion and give me some pointers there. xD