
just spam posted all of the religious au chaptersof  todobaku I had so enjoy, I'm currently working on doing the dabihawks one next


Ok I swear I'll try and update the omegaverse book in October


@niallspurpletrousers aww thanks, and yes I'll try to do it in the next few days if I have time  


i feel like ive been gone forever now so I should probably say something about this. so here's the deal, im kinda going through a depressive episode right now and idk when i'll get back to writing again so yeah.
          Plus, schools just too overwhelming and i kinda want to do the nono which my therapist has already told me to stop but ugh i feel liks such a bad person cause i didn't... anywayyysssss enough about that little rant, i might post another chapter in the next month or so but dont count on it.


Someone please tell me why this season 3 Attack on Titan intro is so sad? 
          Like is it supposed to make me cry cuz I can cry on command when needed lmfao 


@GhostQueen_77 ugh for real tho that's probably it 


@GhostQueen_77 they want you to feel pain 