
PSST... I just posted a chapter! 


Merry Christmas!!!
          How was your Holiday? How have y'all been?!? I think it's been a year or 2, time is an enigma. So. I am thoroughly disappointed with myself because I had a plan. My next chapter for "Something Precious" was to be published on Christmas Eve, but y'all I'm only halfway done writing it. I mean the freaking chapter is literally named Christmas Eve, so you can imagine my frustrations. 
          I stopped writing because I had major writer's block. But in a different way. So, I have all of the major events of this book planned out like I know exactly how I want it to happen. But when I actually start writing, there is a chain of small events that need to happen before the big one. That is where I have the problem. Writing details specifically how I want it doesn't always match my writing or I'm afraid that I'm over explaining or I'm afraid that details won't match things that have happened in the past. This has happened A LOT in the first book, so I've reread the first book and I want to read this one up to the point I stopped, but girl that is too much. I seriously need to calm down and just do it. 
          This is not the only reason I stopped writing. I also went through major traumatic life events and I didn't think I was going to be alive to even finish writing this book. Y'know, I feel like all Wattpad authors go through the most harrowing things, and I wonder why that is??
          Anyways if you're still here, thank you from the bottom of my heart and you are loyal AF! This chapter will get published I promise, I just need to jump into writing it. 
          Also really quick to clear up confusion, in the first book I always signed my name as Coryn. To be clear Coryn is not my name, it was my pseudo author name. But I realized that I actually wanted to use my real name which is Bri. 
          Have a great holiday and Happy New Year!


@Starry_Midnight thank you so much! I appreciate you 


I hope you are able to overcome your writers block and be able to write the chapter excited to see what you come up with x hope you had a lovely Christmas and holiday x


I'm working on it. Thank you for being patient? If you're still sticking around.


@spicynoodlles yes! I do plan on finishing this 


Hi! will you ever updated again? I wanna see how this ends 


Thank you to everyone who is still reading, voting, and waiting on my story. I was in the midst of a 4 month mental breakdown/life changes, but I am trying to get back in the saddle, aka writing. 
          Love y'all lots, will be back soon,