the misinformation people spread about olivia bc of the drama is crazzyyyy….
olivia did say something about everything at the height of the drama btw. she said in every interview how, who or what the songs are about isn’t important and people should focus on the song and her experience + she said people theorizing about everything is weird. people didn’t pay attention tho since she didn’t say “don’t do this” as if she needs to tell people to be decent human beings.
josh didn’t get hospitalized bc of the stress and drama. he had sepsis which is caused by a BACTERIA. he said he THOUGHT it was caused by stress but it was actually sepsis. people always say it was the drama that got him hospitalized as a way to blame olivia/her ‘not saying anything’ when its simply untrue.
and lastly, sabrina getting hate for writing ab her experience is weird stupid and gross bc she should be allowed. but the narrative that olivia was allowed to write ab her experience without hate needs to stop lol. she’s been called obsessed, she’s been told to move on, she’s been called crazy ex gf, she’s gotten death threats too, ppl invalidating her experience bc they keep saying she wrote the song ab a ‘crush who didn’t like her back’ when one listen to the album and u can tell it was ab a toxic relationship that made her feel unworthy *1sf3sb, enough for you* + her saying the BREAKUP made her start therapy.
that’s just to list a few, not adding the racism and slut shaming as well.
anyway ppl should’ve never sent hate to them bc it’s nobody’s business, stream sour & emails i can’t send❤️.