"Spidey and Deadpoolio" will now have chapters that are either shorter (800 words, or less), or they will be longer (801 words or more). If you wish to request a longer or shorter chapter, please give me a plot to work with. Most of the rest of this will be requests, or something I think up when I am bored. Please stay tuned.
I apologize for not updating very often. Time slipped by, and I was having some mental issues.
Note: Suggestions will be written within ten days. If they are not written within those ten days, notify me, and I will fix this problem. NSFW works can will only be accepted from those who are over the age of 16, or whatever the age of consent is where you live. You do not have to give me your birthdate, just a number will do (note that I did not say you had to give me a birthdate).