Alrighty I honestly have quiet a bit that I want to say so bare with me because this'll be a long one lol
This morning I logged into my Wattpad account, and I noticed there were some things that were different.. yesterday we have officially reached 100 chapters on my Username Ideas books, my Username Ideas book reached almost 65k+ reads.. and we reached 500 followers!!!! I am honestly really shocked, and I know I probably sound like a broken record, but I really truly am surprised and happy! When I saw it all for the first time I thought I was seeing things or that it was some sort of glitch, I want to personally thank each and every one of you lovely readers for making this all possible! I never EVER imagined one of my books, or my profile as a whole getting this much attention as it did. I am smiling ear to ear as I am typing this because I am so happy! Writing has always been a huge passion of mine since I was a kid, which is why I joined this website in the first place. And it makes my heart melt to see that people enjoy what I write! However, it hasn't always been easy with the strain of school and our current situation with the pandemic, I would sometimes have my low days where I would want to just disappear and quit writing right then and there. But because of all of you, I have been staying motivated and keeping up my game! If I didn't have all of you then I don't know where I would be today, but either way I am more then happy for all the support I have gotten my way! From people following me, to voting on my chapters, to helping me keep this book alive with requests, and more. I truly am thankful for everything, and I don't plan to stop writing my books until they reach the 200 chapter limit!
I love you all so much (platonically) and I hope you're all doing ok in these trying times. Please make sure to take care of yourself, and just know that you are and always will be loved ♡
Lots of love, spikemuth-slut ♡