
So, I am editing the flow of my third GOT story. Apologies to those that are reading it and receiving an update shortly after. I have been trying to complete the third book since it was originally posted a year ago and discovered how poorly it read to me, hence the updates. 
          	While revising, I briefly glanced at my first GOT story and edited my "hard" copy. Are you interested in me reposting it with the modifications, or do you like the posted version? 
          	Let me know cause I'm curious what your thoughts are.


So, I am editing the flow of my third GOT story. Apologies to those that are reading it and receiving an update shortly after. I have been trying to complete the third book since it was originally posted a year ago and discovered how poorly it read to me, hence the updates. 
          While revising, I briefly glanced at my first GOT story and edited my "hard" copy. Are you interested in me reposting it with the modifications, or do you like the posted version? 
          Let me know cause I'm curious what your thoughts are.


I just wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone that has read Game of Thrones. I cannot believe it's reached 3K views since I posted it about a year ago.  I know I have been sporadically posting updates for GOT three, but life has a way of reminding you to want needs to get done. I am still working on the last few chapters, and fingers crossed, I will get them uploaded shortly. Thank you again, and happy summer, everyone!! You guys rock and are why I enjoy writing.


So... writer's block and life is hitting hard, and I'm not too fond of it. Anyway, I am in the middle of updating the next chapter for the third GOT book. Which I really hope you guys like because I enjoy sharing this with you folks. 
          Anyway, while updating this chapter, I suddenly thought, why not ask you guys to design Ilyanna's wedding dress. So that is what I hope you can help me with. I only have a few requirements. The gown's base color is ivory. It should include subtle mentions of her family heritage, suggest her "supposed" acceptance of this marriage, and a glimpse of her rebellious nature. 
          The winning design will feature on the chapter for the wedding and the other gown suggestions will be referenced as stables of her new wardrobe.


It's been a while since I last updated on the third GOT book I posted here. Mostly life and general pandemic got in the way. If your curious I've just posted the next chapter, and I’m back to editing the next few chapters. Side note I am currently debating whether I should to post my ongoing Hobbit OC fan fiction I’m constantly editing. Let me know if your interested in seeing it here. Otherwise please enjoy the recent chapter! Thanks for reading/glimpsing/following or general previewing my posts. Have a great December, everyone!