
there were like 11 tornados earlier this week in my state, anyway we found this baby bird, so me and my dad built a nest for it and put it in there so i hope the mom comes back 
          	(dw, we wore gloves and didn’t touch the bird or the nest material bc the mom wouldn’t come back if we did) anyway i hope it lives


@Agust_Deez_Nuts I'm in aus n never heard of it but it's downright funny xD


@spinalcordsword that's a lot of tornad-hoes


there were like 11 tornados earlier this week in my state, anyway we found this baby bird, so me and my dad built a nest for it and put it in there so i hope the mom comes back 
          (dw, we wore gloves and didn’t touch the bird or the nest material bc the mom wouldn’t come back if we did) anyway i hope it lives


@Agust_Deez_Nuts I'm in aus n never heard of it but it's downright funny xD


@spinalcordsword that's a lot of tornad-hoes


“i have a son your age,” like oh god pls no-


taking a C(ertified)N(ursing)A(ssistant) test today :3


rlly random but i’ve started praying for at least 10 ppl every day b4 bed, (not in a particularly religious way, just putting good vibes into the universe for others,) and it’s actually v therapeutic and somewhat calms my nightly overthinking <3


that is so sweet :) you’re so thoughtful <3


Awww I need to start doing that


random life updates: 
          i started grooming my dog w my mom (and her shampoo and detangler stayed in so long so she still smells rlly nice even tho it’s been a week since her bath). 
          also made raspberry creme brûlée bc we have too many raspberries from our garden, and turns out u CAN make creme brûlée in the oven and u don’t need a blow torch (it was surprisingly way easier than baking a cheesecake)<3 
          i also unsubbed from cody ko bc wtf.


@RossoAmareno i’ve also watched not even emily b4, she’s funny w her creative skits and she’s also a nurse which is what i trying to be lol


@ finessed_piss  this is random, but i saw the mention of not even emily in my notifications and just wanted to say, she's literally like the best ytber ever, i love her sm


@spinalcordsword I’m so glad I never watched his videos. I love Danny and Kurtis (Drew too but I don’t watch him much) so I really hope they didn’t know


/random rant abt cicadas/ 
          ppl r so mean to cicadas and it makes me sad. they’re so trusting that if u put your hand out, they will crawl into it (i move them to the grass or flip them over bc they can get stuck on their back like a turtle). they’re just babies, literally just hatched weeks ago, let them enjoy their fleeting moments on earth, and let the birds eat them instead of killing them for nothing (as birds won’t eat them if they are already dead bc they seem poisoned). also the cicadas make such beautiful music, take a hike and listen instead of going on a killing spree!


@spinalcordsword I try and stay away from them bc they scare me but I would never kill them. People are way too mean to bugs period


@-INMYDRIVERERA i screamed when one was resting on my leg bc i put my hand down and didn’t know what it was, then saw one clinging onto me for dear life and felt so bad i brought it to a planted area LOL but their lil red eyes and orange wings r kinda cool imo