There have been so many deaths by plastic in the ocean and we are the suppliers. More and more animals are showing up dead with bellies full of plastic. Global warming is also a very real issue. (In 2016, heat stress encompassed 51 percent of coral reefs globally and was extremely severe—the first mass bleaching (85 percent bleached) of the northern and far-northern Great Barrier Reef killed 29 percent of the reef's shallow water corals.- This happening when the Oceans temperature raised only by 2 or 3 degrees in temperature. Think of it as a human body. The thing is is that a good portion of our world oxygen is from coral beds, The more they die the more we do.
By 2050 the is going to be more plastic (by weight) than fish in the sea.- Melinda Watson
We are using resources as if there are two planets, not one... There can be no Plan B because there is no Plan B. - Ban ki-Moon
There is a gyre of discarded floating plastic the size of continental USA in the ocean. In it, plastic outweighs plankton 40 to 1. -Unknown
No water, No life. No blue, No green.- Sylvia Earle
If you came down this far I thank you, and as my thanks, I will leave site addresses so you can get involved and informed. And also if you want to watch the documentaries I was talking of 'Plastic Oceans' and the majority of the others, but 'Plastic Oceans was a real game changer. So here you go:
Trailer to Plastic Oceans which can be found on Netflix, as well as the other ones:
Another Documentary:
And finally, "The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.- Robert Swan"