sighing , the chestnut - brown haired girl brought her long legs up to her chest , hugging her knees and flattening down her puffy uniform skirt with her tight hug as tears fell from her soft doe eyes , splattering on the pale rose - toned fabric . as she silently cried , leaning against her dorm room door , fleur held back the cough itching at her throat and lungs , knowing that if she let in the pain absorbing her body would go from fifty to a thousand . her heart and head pounded and ached , the feeling of thorns breaking internal skin etching into her mind , and she gave in , letting out a gasp of horror and disgust . quickly , this tiny breath turned into a series of violent and painful coughs , the brunette girl falling forward and clutching her chest , using one hand to keep her shaking body from making contact with the cold , white tiles and the other to scratch at her throat helplessly while the warm tears continued to drip from her lashes . suddenly , petals and buds began to sputter out of her open mouth , followed by traces of blood splashing and combining with the salty liquid falling onto the floor . she attempted to swallow down these prickled flowers , the verdure scraping at her tongue and throat until it bleed , causing more of the thick crimson substance to ooze from her maroon - stained lips as she barely panted through the greenery. all that was racing through her mind was a bright shade of flickering red , tinging her thoughts of a certain short noirette . suddenly , the pained female barely heard the brushing of knuckles against her door , and a tiny voice as the creaking of the hinges were slightly audible while an unknown individual invaded the disturbing scene . fleur ‘ s headache thumped as steadily and continuing as her heartbeat while she weakly turned her head with only one glazed over and tired hue staring at the entering character , her vaguely stiffened locks a dark mess covering her left eye , the curls tinted with her own gore .