
WOAH! HI GUYS!! SO SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING ON ANYTHING! I’ve been so busy for the past two years that I haven’t necessarily haven’t had the time to update anything as well as having a lack of motivation. My main focus recently has been school but I managed to graduate this year which is very exciting. I will do my very best to try and upload. Sorry for worrying you all by the way! I’ve seen your messages on my page but I swear I’m alright. Hope you’re all well!


WOAH! HI GUYS!! SO SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING ON ANYTHING! I’ve been so busy for the past two years that I haven’t necessarily haven’t had the time to update anything as well as having a lack of motivation. My main focus recently has been school but I managed to graduate this year which is very exciting. I will do my very best to try and upload. Sorry for worrying you all by the way! I’ve seen your messages on my page but I swear I’m alright. Hope you’re all well!


i hope everyone is doing alright in these tough times. everything going on in the world right now is crazy and it’s only been 6 months into the year, and 6 months to go. 
          since this is important, i hope you guys are standing with the BLM. what’s been happening to black lives is god awful, and they don’t deserve any of that - we should be FAR past racism. it should’ve never been a thing in the first place.
          if you aren’t able to go to protests, please consider donating to anything you can for BLM. it’s the best you could possibly do - and if you can’t donate, there is a plentiful of other options. 
          another thing, i hate to get political but if you are able to vote this year, please for the love of god, for america, for the citizens of this country, vote trump OUT of OFFICE. he’s doing nothing good for this country one bit and anytime something like this happens, he makes it worse or hides like a coward. 
          but yea, anyways, please stay safe everyone, stay well. i love you all so, so much.