
In light of loneliness and the beautiful rainbow pictures the Nation’s Children displayed to cheer everyone up and the continuous cheers for the NHS Workers and volunteers - Paul McCartney’s Frog Chorus is cheering up some people also.
          	I thought more people might benefit from it as it’s become an anthem for  the moment.
          	Here is the link to the the YouTube video:
          	I hope it works otherwise you can stIll find the video on YouTube. 
          	Keep safe and well, David Hurt.


In light of loneliness and the beautiful rainbow pictures the Nation’s Children displayed to cheer everyone up and the continuous cheers for the NHS Workers and volunteers - Paul McCartney’s Frog Chorus is cheering up some people also.
          I thought more people might benefit from it as it’s become an anthem for  the moment.
          Here is the link to the the YouTube video:
          I hope it works otherwise you can stIll find the video on YouTube. 
          Keep safe and well, David Hurt.


Thank you to all  Wattpaders who have following me since 2014.
          I haven't been around much since as my life got busy and I have been on and off with illness. 
          So sorry for not being there to thank you all individually.
          Plus thank you to all of you who knew me before 2014. 
          You are all the best supports and I am lucky to have found such a superb team of exceptional writers to share my work with.
          I will try and stick around more now my life is beginning to sort itself out now. I will still be busy and will disappear again now and then, but hopefully not as long as almost two years.


Thank you Olan, Gail and Owain.
            Things have improved and are behind me and it is a pleasure to be back.
            Thank you all very much as always.


@spm91212  It is a pleasure to see your return.


@spm91212 I am glad to hear that things have been improving for you, David, and that we might see you more often again. I missed you and your masterpieces while you were gone.  : )))  ~ Gail


Hi!!!I love your stories!Its awesome! <3


            Thank you. That means a lot to me. I am glad you enjoyed reading them. Sorry I haven't been around much and sorry for the late response.


            Thank you so much. It means a lot. Thank you.


Hi everyone have any of you heard about the site Createspace by Amazon? 
          You can create your own Books or PDF's and they will Publish them for you.
          I have been trying to pluck the courage to do so as I have a lot of poems in folders that could be put into a book now. 
          It was suggested by a fellow writer at my Creative Writing Group at the Belgrade Coventry. He published his book on it. However he did say it had some type errors in it and had to be re-edited. Yet he was pleased  that he could hold a copy of it in his hands. 
          I hope he gets it edited properly and it goes global like he wanted. 
          It sounds interesting, you just have to be careful with it I guess. I will sort through my folder of poems and see how I feel about publishing. It is what I have always wanted to do, but my confidence and life have held me back until now.
          David Hurt


Hello. This is very interesting and I hope we get to learn more about from you and your progress with it. All the best from me, 
            Gwen :)


Nice to see your message, David. I wish you luck with the publishing if you decide to go ahead with it. Happy Easter.
            : )  ~ Gail


Happy New Year to all on Wattpad. Sorry for the delay. Although saying that, it was Chinese New Year on Friday. Still 2 days from wishing you all a Happy New Year though, but hope it will do.
          I will be back, I don't know when, but hopefully sometime this month.
          Paperwork and meetings over LOL. Recently I caught a bug that was going round, but that's now over too.
          The only things that are holding me back now are TV from August to present, new pieces of work, one of which will be in an Anthology, by one of my two Creative Writing Groups - Writer's Hub, in April.
          However I am determined to find time to carry on writing works and projects that I am already writing. Plus posting those poems I keep promising to post on Wattpad.
          Anyway like I said Happy New Year.


@spm91212 And back to you. : )))


Nice to hear from you, David. All the best. : )