Did anybody else get weird texts from Feburary 14th today? Or have people contact you to say you've sent one? I've read about a few other people getting messages from Feburary 14th, but I want you know if any of you got any.
I'm so sorry if any of you got the notification that it was published! I meant to click the 3 dots but my finger slipped. It will be out today though, sorry
Chapters 8 and 9 are gonna tale a but longer because I'll be releasing them around the same time. They're going to be happening simultaneously so I dont want to mess up details, so I'm gonna finish them both before releasing them.
Chapter 7 is now released amd I've added titles in for all the chapters amd will title them from now on. Agh I hope you enjoy because now I'm tired from writing and rewriting it
@spn413 you know theres an undo button right? And you can also click the 3 buttons on the top right and click revision history and try different ones to see which one it is..