
Starting today, I'm going to be rewriting parts of 'Don't You Worry' to clear up story plots and improve my writing. This will mainly effect the beginning and I highly advise you read it again just to understand future chapters. Thanks guys! <3


Starting today, I'm going to be rewriting parts of 'Don't You Worry' to clear up story plots and improve my writing. This will mainly effect the beginning and I highly advise you read it again just to understand future chapters. Thanks guys! <3


Hey guys! Since writing Don't You Worry, I was going to end it at chapter 15 but I feel like the story can keep on going. What do you guys think? Should I keep writing, throwing curve balls and new drama at Cas and Dean or should I start something new? 
          And if anyone has some input on the story, I would love you! I haven't written anything in a long time, so just making sure I'm writing good English and that the story makes sense