
Why does writers block have to sneak up on us writers? I was doing so good! Ugh! I'm stuck on how to get chapter 20 started which will be in Alastors pov. It may be a little bit til it's written with everything going on. I know that Alastor will still be thinking about (y/n) after the smut moment but I'm not sure where to go with it and how husker will find out. So, f you guys have any idea of how I can get it started I'd appreciate the help. You are more than welcome to send some art as well if you want too. You guys are awesome! Thanks again!


Why does writers block have to sneak up on us writers? I was doing so good! Ugh! I'm stuck on how to get chapter 20 started which will be in Alastors pov. It may be a little bit til it's written with everything going on. I know that Alastor will still be thinking about (y/n) after the smut moment but I'm not sure where to go with it and how husker will find out. So, f you guys have any idea of how I can get it started I'd appreciate the help. You are more than welcome to send some art as well if you want too. You guys are awesome! Thanks again!


I'm editing dèjá vu on google docs and wattpad at the same time as well as writting it on paper. I am also thinking of how to get the next two chapters written as I'm doing so. All this thinking is giving me a head ache but it's worth it. Stay tuned my deers.


Hello my deers,
          It's my turn to share my favorite reads from a few creators I follow.
          A siren's spell written by @Artemis1214 followed with the sequel A siren's hunt and A siren's purpose which is the 3rd installment of the series that hasn't been posted yet. She is slowly piecing it together.
          My father's joy also written by @Artemis1214 which follows the daughter of esme rose  and Alastor hartfelts daughter if she outlived her parents.
          Siren one shots by @Artemis1214 
          Psychotic Affection written by @frozenembers.
          Anything by @hooman_does_cosplay I love her fics. My faves are broken radio, my darling, all bark no bite, match maker and well aren't you the charmer. All of these are cross posted on Tumblr and archive of our own.
          And finally only in my imagination and only in my fears written by @valeriewinks777
          These stories are awesome! I highly recommend them!
          What are you reading?


@hooman_does_cosplay you're welcome ♥ thank you for helping with mine!


Aww you’re so sweet!!  thank you sm for sharing my stories!!


I'm currently thinking about the next chapter title but not sure what to call it yet. I've got some idea as of how to get it started but we'll see. I've been writting dèjá vu in a note book too so I'd have a physical copy on me and gotta say my arm is tired and im not even done yet . This gives you all time to catch up with the story. I'm gonna try to write the next one tonight but no promises. To my fellow writers keep up the great work! Thank you all! 


@spnfan2020 if you want I think you can send pics on tumblr!


@hooman_does_cosplay thank you ♥ if you had messenger I'd send you a screen shot of it. The problem is gonna be the title for it when it's finished.


 Can’t wait for the next chapter!! You’re doing great!!


Hey everyone sorry I haven't been able to update dèjà vu I have alot going on and I can only write when I go to bed. Plus I'm having a hard time how to get the next chapter's started. It my be a little bit but rest assured I will continue writting. Until then please share my work anywhere you all share yours. Thank you all so much for the support, votes and comments! 


Take as much time as you need!!  hope you’re doing well!!