Check out @skyebme and her thoughts on writer's block inside of "Brew of Reviews" in our NEW Writing Advice chapter! More advice and commentary to come soon in "Brew of Reviews"!
Check out @skyebme and her thoughts on writer's block inside of "Brew of Reviews" in our NEW Writing Advice chapter! More advice and commentary to come soon in "Brew of Reviews"!
BREW OF REVIEWS IS OPEN!!! If you are, or know, an undiscovered fantasy writer, submit your story to "Brew of Reviews" to easily get a review! All stories submitted get added to our reading lists! Enter your story here:
Apply now to Spooky Circle's "Spooky Awards" contest for undiscovered fantasy writers!!!! There is more than one category you can submit your story to! Your story does not need to be complete to be submitted - it can be ongoing! Awards are announced Oct. 25th!!! Check out the NEW contest here:
Read our latest review of Stories From Your Memories by @MustBeAwkwardMagic inside of our "Brew of Reviews" reviewed by @skyebme! You can also find the story posted in our reading list "Witches and Wands"!
Read our latest review of Eppingswood Academy by @M_Desmarais inside our "Brew of Reviews"! You can also find the story in our reading list "Witches and Wands"! More reviews are are on their way!
Are you a fantasy writer or know someone looking to get their story out there more? We are still looking for stories to review! Apply today in our "Brew of Reviews" to easily get your fantasy story read, reviewed & featured on our reading list!!!
@MustBeAwkwardMagic Hello! Yes, you can go ahead and apply your story:) Brew of Reviews will be updating soon! Also, the discord link should be fixed now, thanks for letting us know!
Just found this page and it’s exactly what I was looking for! I know it said that applications closed on 6/19, but anyway I can squeeze my story in for June? If not, I’ll wait until the next round!