Hello, everyone.
I finally have the energy to post an update on where life is for me at the moment. The last time we spoke, I mentioned getting back on my medication, which I did (yay!). In between then and now, however, I discovered that my mother has cancer. She had surgery right before the New Year to remove the tumor and lymph node where the cancer had spread to. It all happened very quickly. She will be doing radiation and chemo come next month. Her diagnosis and the worry and the uncertainty stirred up a lot for me, especially with it being nearly a year and a half since my father passed--which was a whole separate dragon to contend with.
I don't bring all this up to stir pity, or to concern anyone. I'm doing better. I just don't have the mental bandwidth right now to do much writing, and I wanted to be honest about that. And the guilt I have for not writing is pretty harsh. I didn't want to write this as a little memo in the Peaky story because that would have felt cheap. It would have looked like I was updating the story when I really wasn't. None of my works have been abandoned. I just need some time.
I don't post much story stuff, but if anyone feels like connecting outside of here, feel free to follow me in Instagram. I will accept any and all follower requests. My handle is @spooky.lilou
Love you all. And I thank you if you read this far. All I have ever wanted was for people to read and connect with my writing. That has happened, and I don't ever take that for granted.