
Wowie, I've given up on that other story idea already. Good job, me. Anyway, I just thought of another idea that I truly hope I don't give up on.


Y'know what? I'm just gonna start writing the story now just to build up motivation for myself.


Hey it's JJ (aka, Sam) how's it been? 


I looked at your wall not too long ago and a few people commented about wanting you to come back. One specific comment says, "Im gonna drop kick you if you dont come back online baka."


@ASprinkleOfGayness Good, Good. Kinda bad. So has anyone said anything about me or just totally forgot I existed? Lol


@ASprinkleOfGayness Oh, hey! It's been pretty good, what about you?


I'm thinking about starting a new story. I'm still thinking of the details, like character names and such, but I've got most of the plot down. It would be about a boy and his twin brother being taken from their parents and to a boat where a ton of nursemaids work, "taking care" of other children who were torn away from their families. That's all I'm going to say. I would still continue The Eclipse Empire, but I would be making this story along with it. Would anyone be willing to help me out with it? If you're interested, reply saying so and I'll tell you more about the plot and how you could help me with it.