
this message may be offensive
well, going back through this account was a fucking nightmare. my 11 year old self SCARES me. i'm going to delete this account i think. 6 years is an INSANE amount of time to have an account but i HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE all the shit that;s on here it's MORTIFYING. 
          	if anyone is still on here and still gives a damn, its been a nice ride.


this message may be offensive
well, going back through this account was a fucking nightmare. my 11 year old self SCARES me. i'm going to delete this account i think. 6 years is an INSANE amount of time to have an account but i HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE all the shit that;s on here it's MORTIFYING. 
          if anyone is still on here and still gives a damn, its been a nice ride.


hey guys. important announcement.
          I’m moving my account to AO3. i finally got my account there, (the username is the same as on here, spork_the_fork), and i honestly just don’t need to use this platform anymore. 
          i’m not deleting my account, so you can still read my old stories if you want. I’ll be continuing my Lokius story there too.
          thanks for reading all my funny little stories. 



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fuck you