Heyyy! It’s been a while since I’ve updated. What stories would y’all like me to update on? I’ve also had some ideas for original stories if anyone is interested in me publishing those as well.

@sports1406 Great, I can’t wait! And those sound like they could be interesting to read

@SapphireMan01 hi! I’ve been working on an update for that book! I’m hoping to have it uploaded soon. As for my originals, one is about a world divided by color, and im thinking that it will be an adventure book. the other is about a girl from a small town who just can’t seem to fit in. It’s a drama and kinda growing up book.

@sports1406 I know this is late, but I’d love for more “Hood/Badwolf family”. Can’t wait for the next chapter! Out of curiosity, what were the ideas for other stories you had?