Hey everyone! I haven't used this account too much lately, but I've been writing a book about a serious chapter in my life. In the last year and a half I have been dealing with a stalker type situation, and I read somewhere that writing about traumas can help for you to process it better. Anyways, the point of this message is to ask if anyone would be actually interested in reading it. It's been a work in progress in my drafts for a while because it's a very personal look into my life and I haven't been sure if it would be a good idea to post. If I do post it, I would like to clarify that almost all details will be changed for privacy. Names and locations are changed; some dates will not be included for either privacy reasons or that they aren't relevant to the story and I forgot. Sorry this is long, but if you're still reading I would greatly appreciate you letting me know if you'd be interested by either commenting or sending me a message. Thank you. -m