
@Thanatos_Daughter I updated last night!! my family is in town so probably not for a couple days! :)


@VictoriaKaer anything and everything!! They are known as fandoms and there are tv shows books actors bands pretty much everything!! they have a fandom for that show you watch (supernatural?) mine is dedicated to books :) cuz I'm a geek 


I think I can handle that, I love books! it's better than my daughter's one friend hers was dedicated to one band, i forget which one now, but she'd post like 20 things in a row about the band and it got nauseating so we all stopped following her.


Thank for stalking my song parodies book ;) Just for that I shall now go search you out on instagram just for kicks and giggles and 'cause I'm weird like that and to prove I actually read profiles. Right and now I'm gone ....