
long time no see


I'm going to change my name since i realized someone already has it as their username and i don't want to make it seem as if i copied it ♡ so i'll try and come up with new usernames atm !!
          feel free to help me out- anything with "tae"  or "koo" in it is rlly cute!! 


So i've been sick for the past 2 days with strep throat  ;) i didn't go to school today, my throat feels a little? bit more better-??  still hurts though. Probably going to finish a chapter for CAN'T LOVE which is an upcoming story.
          But all i'm doing at the moment is watching blackpink music videos on my tv lmaO


Yo you’re lucky though  you at least don’t have to feel hella scared when the principal is there freaking watching you, we’re also gonna ask one of the teachers from our grade to watch us while we practice in their class. 


@chamomiletaee dude strep is a pain in the ass. but thats also a mood i procrastinate so much