
nah fr why did marvel have to ruin such a good thing?


@p33ly1 civil war ain’t even half of it. at least they still made entertaining movies even if they broke my heart 


@squirtle1313 BRO IVE LITERALLY BEEN OBSESSING OVER MARVEL FOR THE LAST FEW WEEKS JDHDHUDBD.... can we talk about how stupid the decision of splitting up the avengers in civil war was? ngl i HATE that movie with a passion


nah fr why did marvel have to ruin such a good thing?


@p33ly1 civil war ain’t even half of it. at least they still made entertaining movies even if they broke my heart 


@squirtle1313 BRO IVE LITERALLY BEEN OBSESSING OVER MARVEL FOR THE LAST FEW WEEKS JDHDHUDBD.... can we talk about how stupid the decision of splitting up the avengers in civil war was? ngl i HATE that movie with a passion


somebody please take tiktok away from me. cuz tell me why i’ve spent the last three days working on the most in depth character background and analysis that i think ive ever done for a lil lesbian spy that is going to fall in love with Daisy from AOS and be deeply traumatized by (spoiler ig) Ward’s betrayal…


FINALS SEASON IS UPON US! i’m crying inside but it’s cool or whatever. i just wanted to get on here and say that i haven’t forgotten about any of my projects. i planned to have a chapter up sooner, but life got in the way. Sadly, i doubt I’ll be able to get a chapter up before April ends, but once school is over, i’ll be cranking out content (hopefully). 


i am finally getting somewhere with chapter eighteen of walls, but sadly, i will be unable to finish it tn bc i am an old lady that needs sleep. It should be up before the weekend, should everything go to plan. 
          on another note, i have gone through and made some very minor edits, mostly to chapter seventeen. 


the next chapter of Walls is entirely Brett's POV and we get to learn about Bellamy's history... who's excited? :)))) I am... is that lame? lol
          not to tease ya'll but it will be a while before this update is out as I am spending time with family this weekend and I have roughly 1 hour of alone time to myself and some of that has to be spent on homework.