
I’m now on Instagram!!! Check me out on for random book reviews, insider info on future books, and overall lifestyle of a 16 year old who loves reading and writing☺️


Happy Valentines Day!!! Just another day for us wattpad authors who write romance novels in hope that once day something romantic and unexpected will happen to us too. Until then, this day remains a reminder that we are single and alone. So instead… Happy Galantines! ❤️


I’ve injured my finger, possibly broken, so you might not see any new chapters for a bit (few days? week maximum). I’m going to keep working on them but it just might be slow. Maybe it’ll be fine? Luckily it’s my pinky and the knuckle underneath the pinky on my right hand so it’s not too hard to work around it when I’m writing on my phone. I wrote this just fine  I just have to let it rest too. Sorryyyyyy!


Chapter thirty is out now! So because of my extreme lack of motivation I’m just posting chapters randomly now because I was supposed to have finished releasing all my chapters yesterday ‍♀️ well that was the original plan. If this isn’t a big mood idk what is. Hope you’re enjoying the book anyway 


Mine does the same


Omg someone tell me what the heck happened to my girl putting hand over face emoji 