Hey guys so I know it's been a while... a long while
but I am going to finish Girl with the Scars. I just don't know when. I need to rewrite what I have and then go from there. I need to fix timing issues, plot points, boring author things. I feel awful for making you wait but hey, at least it was a good cliff hanger right? So when I rewrite it, I obviously want to share it with your lovely selves, but I'm not sure if I should replace what I have here or make a completely new story.... what do you think? I have something I want to share with you... a little special something. Adam's POV of Chapter 13. It was something I was experimenting with a long time ago, trying to learn how to write a guy's POV. It's not easy. I think I did a good job with it. So yeah. I can't give dates because I don't want to get anyone's hopes up. Thanks for sticking with me :)