
I'm gonna redo my JTK rewrite again. Sorry, guys. Hope I don't let you down.


@ srosen123  Not a problem! I can't wait to read it, I hope you'll have fun writing it :)


@ srosen123  Good for you honestly :) I'm sure that it is going to be splendid just as the rest of your books. i cannot wait :D


hey. I know you don't touch your youtube channel or the au specifically (operation double jealousy.) but I remember watching it at like 13/14 and really enjoyed it despite the flaws. However I recently have gotten back into writing and was wondering if I had permission to rewrite it or continue it? I really really really love it/gen and it makes me sad to see it get dusty like that


@freakadeeka Omg you're SO sweet, I feel so honored! And yeah, I'd be happy for you to turn it into a fanfiction with chapters! Just credit me (and use proper grammar and can't stand these awful Wattpad fics sometimes ). I can't wait to see it!


Hey, I wanted to apologize for not texting you since that day. It doesn't even seem like I was the one who wanted to befriends with you.. But it's because I haven't been doing very well lately and I didn't want to bother you with that, besides I didn't know how to start a conversation-- 
          Well, that's it for now, just to keep you informed :)


Well.. hi Sparrow, my name is Anne and I'm a best friend of Ena who you already mentioned. Well, he recommended I talk to you. I'm a flop Creepypasta creator with shyness problems when talking to others creators. I also work on Ena's au making a fic that's on hiatus because I'm going to rewrite it (if the mood arrives at least). Well, if you see this, try to contact me, it's flop creator with trust issues, paranoid and fan of Melanie Martinez. Kisses from Ann and that's it :D




@freakadeeka Aw, honey, that's sweet


you have no idea how relieved I am to see your Wattpad is still somewhat active after you quit... I left YouTube for like two years and dunked my channel (we were moots) so it's a refreshing change of pace to know not all my friends vanished 


Uhm... Hey Sparrow! I'm Ena! I comment a lot in your posts and I used to see your videos in your account on Tik Tok. I just want to say I follow you since your channel "Haunted nights" and I admire you a lot! I wanted to know if you'd like to be my friend. Only if you want to, of course :)))


@srosen123 Omg, ok!! I'm just need to download again, because I don't use it anymore XDD
            But I'm gonna text you later, ofc! <33


@sematajefftekila Omg hi! I'm truly flattered that you've followed me for this long! I'd love to be friends! Just send me a message request on TikTok tomorrow, cause I don't message on Wattpad.