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another (possibly the last?) LIFE UPDATE: hey everyone! i don’t know if anyone still keeps up with this account (i know i don’t oops) but i’m just here to kinda say a goodbye! i’m nearly half way through my senior year of high school at this point in time and i haven’t really been following Dan & Phil closely for about a year at this point. so that means i have no time to write and even if i had a chance, i’m not very inspired to write Phan stories anymore. i know earlier this year i got some comments on ‘kiss you’ and i’m so grateful people are still enjoying it, but i won’t be continuing it like i said i would. anyway we’ll see what happens in the future, the only reason i logged into this account was to clean it up before i log out forever. i might be back in a few months time to announce a new Wattpad that i might start posting on because i’m concerned about the future of my writing on Tumblr due to their announcement the website will no longer allow any sort of nsfw content (including female presenting nipples, get that shit OFF my christian site). i hope anyone reading this has a great rest of their 2018 and i’m so grateful for everyone who read my stories throughout the 5 years i’ve been on this account, you’re the people who have inspired me to expand my writing and improve over the years. goodbye. natalia.